ICSD-swhchs.org MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed for swhchs.org to collect and provide ICSD with Iron Stories to teach children values and positive character traits. ICSD will provide swhchs.org with $50,000 annually (requires $25,000 matching funds) for a total annual investment in Iron Stories of $75,000 (or about $7.50 per student in ICSD).
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Last Updated: 2022-07-24 by Roice Nelson
MOU with ICSD Signed
ICSD-swhchs.org MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed for swhchs.org to collect and provide ICSD with Iron Stories to teach children values and positive character traits. ICSD will provide swhchs.org with $50,000 annually (requires $25,000 matching funds) for a total annual investment in Iron Stories of $75,000 (or about $7.50 per student in ICSD).
Category: History
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