921 S Main Street #3319, Cedar City, UT 84720 dmadsen@swhchs.org 208-407-6745 or 713-542-2207

The 1987 USA / USSR Goodwill Gymnastic Tour

Cedar City, Utah described by Dave Lunt, Southern Utah University, September 2023

Iron County Historical Society Monthly Meeting, Frontier Homestead Museum

1987_USA-USSR_Goodwill_Tour_Cedar_City Introduction 6:03 minutes1987_USA-USSR_Goodwill_Tour_Cedar_City Body 21:03 minutes1987_USA-USSR_Goodwill_Tour_Cedar_City Conclusions 32:59 minutes
Phone Video Capture of Dave Lunt’s Iron County Historical Society Presentation, at the
Frontier Homestead Museum, 13 September 2023

Photos taken when Roice Nelson brought Melanie and Sara Nelson (each the Texas State Champion for their age in Balance Beam Gymnastics) to see Grandma Nelson and to attend
The USA/USSR Goodwill Gymnastic Tour in Cedar City: