Tools of the (Raven) Trade

submitted by: Alva Leon Matheson

Chris Robbins wrote in his book, The Ravens, “and many wore heavy gold bracelets and GMT Rolex watches with wide gold bands... Each wore a 22-karat gold ring that had an oriental royal crest set into a red cloisonne top with a roughly cut piece of locally procured diamond at its center.”One Raven once wrote: Other than having a gold I.D. bracelet made especially for them by Vilay Phone in his shop on 346 Rue Samsenthai – these bracelets were huge adornments sufficient to make Wonder Woman blush at their excessiveness – they didn’t buy much gold beyond trinkets, gift articles for wives or sweeties, or both. Their I.D. bracelet was functional, potentially useful, in trade for assistance if one were ever evading capture on the ground.”
But one not only had to consider the potential that the gold watch and bracelet had in being useful for buying help while attempting to elude capture; but, also, in its usefulness in attracting occasional dalliances in such places as the Siam Intercontinental Hotel. These items definitely identified a Raven.