Daniel Sinclair Macfarlane

submitted by: SUP Pioneer Stories Cedar City Chapter

Submitted by Dan Jones; Great, Great Grandson

Daniel Sinclair Macfarlane was born in Stirling, Scotland, 21 June 1837, He was the son of John Macfarlane and Annabella Sinclair. He had an older brother, John Menzies, and older sister Ann, Daniel
was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints when 8 years of age on November 15, 1845.

Daniel's father was a coach driver for the Doune Castle, but never joined the church fearing he would lose his job. He died in Scotland, Daniel, with his mother, brother and sister came to America and traveled west with the Perpetual Emigration Fund Co., under the direction of Isaac C. Haight in June of 1853. Daniel was 16 years of age.

They arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah on August 29, 1853. On October 16, Isaac C. Haight married Annabella Sinclair Macfarlane. Isaac C. Haight had planned to settle in Salt Lake City, but President Brigham Young assigned him to take charge of the Iron Works in Cedar City, Utah. Obedient to the Prophet, he moved with his wives to Cedar City, began building a home and handling the affairs of the Deseret Iron Company.

As Daniel grew and matured, he showed a special gift in landscaping and gardening He was very meticulous and organized with his work and because of this, many desired his services. Daniel was a perfectionist in every way. With his work, his personal appearance, public service, and cultural activities.

He was blessed with a marvelous bass voice. He ‘was offered the opportunity to sing with the Metropolitan Opera Company but was persuaded not to leave Cedar. He was gifted as an actor, always performing magnificently. He did have a fiery temper, which created problems for him at times.

When Daniel was 25-years-of-age he married Keturah Haight, 18-years-of-age, thus making him a son in-law of Isaac C. Haight as well as a stepson. We were told that Daniel had the most beautiful, productive apple orchard in Cedar Valley.

Daniel and Keturah were faced with sorrow early in their marriage as their first child, Daniel Sinclair,
passed away at 7 months. Daniel and Keturah operated the Post Office in their home for 20 years and Daniel was also Cedar City Recorder. During General Conference in Salt Lake City, October 6, 1876, names were read of the brethren that were to serve missions. Daniel was called to serve on a mission in his homeland, Scotland. This would leave Keturah at home with six small children to support, but Daniel was obedient to the call and served an honorable mission for two years even though it was very difficult.

Keturah continued to operate the Post Office and teach school while Daniel was away. A seven-year-old daughter, Keturah, died while Daniel was in Scotland. Daniel returned from his mission in 1878. In June 1879, twins were born to Keturah, but they died shortly after they were born.

On the 24 of June 1879, Daniel took a second wife, Lizzie Ford, from Wales. During this period many of the brethren were seeking refuge from the Federal Marshall because of plural marriage. Daniel was in Panaca, and he and A.M. Findlay were involved in a run-away team accident. Both men were thrown from the wagon. Findlay was killed and Daniel suffered a severe head injury, which he never fully recovered from. This took place in February 1891 when Daniel was 54 years old.

Daniel and Keturah were the parents of 12 children.
Daniel and Lizzie had 8 children.
Daniel passed away October 23, 1914, at the age of 77.