Eldon William Schmutz
submitted by: Emma Golden Westwood
Eldon William Schmutz
by Emma Golden Westwood
North Elementary School Second Place
Mrs. Sauceda's Class
My great grandpa is a person we will learn about today. First of all, my great grandpa's nickname was Bill. Bill was short for William. Bill's birth date was July 2, 1927 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He died July 10, 2010 in Cedar City, Utah. His family as a mom, dad, and three sisters. He was the only boy besides his Dad. He was the second child in his family. For a fact, his Dad's name was Eldon too! But Bill also had challenges too.
One challenge he had was seeing his son die. His son died of a chest cold. Chest cold is a disease in your chest. I think he overcame his challenge by moving on and focusing more on his wife and children.
Another big challenge he had was when he was just six years old, he had to watch hundreds of goats for hours and hours. And the goats had no cage, so it was hard for Bill. Also some of Bill's hobbies were being a cowboy. He had to take care of lots of farm animals.
He was a banker at a State Bank in Cedar City, Utah. He worked in a temple for his church and went on a mission to Australia, and he was a water witch! What I mean by water witch is because he could find water that was deep underground and he could even tell how deep it was!
Me and Bill have something in common. We both love animals, and he had Angora Goats, and I have Angora bunnies!
Bill had twenty kids in his whole school combined! That's about how many kids we have just in our class! He also would catch fish with his bare hands! Sometimes he would use a bucket. My great grandpa died. But, my Dad has met Bill because Bill was his grandpa. Every summer Bill would pick up my Dad, cousins, and brother to work on the farm at 7:00 in the morning. They would always take care of animals, put up fences, and dig ditches. he was also very playful.
He would go on his knees and chase the little kids like a dog. he also would pretend he was speaking in another language but it was just gibberish. That would make the kids laugh because they did not know what he was saying. I am so glad I could learn about my great grandpa.