Jesse Clinton Veach Junior
submitted by: Lindsay Thelin
I will be talking about my Great Grandpa Jesse (my family calls him Pappy). Pappy was in the Navy twice. The first time he was 17 in 1946. Pappy served for 2 years. The second time was 20 year later. During the second time Pappy fought in the Vietnam War. He started College. Pappy finished College in 1994. Pappy went to BYU for College. Pappy played basketball in High School. He played baseball for a little while. His favorite song and color is Claire De Lune and blue. Pappy loved to read “Jesus The Christ”. He was born in 1929 on January 11. He moved it Arizona and become a radio broadcaster. Pappy was 29 when he started 67 when he finished.
When my mom was a little girl, about my age Pappy would call her mom (my Grandma), and tell her to turn on the radio. Because, Pappy was a radio broadcaster, he loved to dedicate songs to his kids and grandkids. My Grandma would turn on the radio and Pappy would say “This song is dedicated to my granddaughters Michelle, Karen and Andrea.” Then, every time Pappy would play” Puff the Magic Dragon .” My mom loved hearing her name on the radio but loved even more hearing her Pappy on the radio.
Pappy loves to sing. He always sings song and listens to music. He loves jazz music. He would always tease his grandkids about being monkeys and he would say ”I ‘m going to jerk a knot in your tail.”
When my mom was growing up, Pappy had an apple trees in his yard. He would take an apple off the tree and slice bites for my mom and her siblings and tell them stories. The funny thing that my mom and her siblings would always giggle about, was how Pappy would eat his apple slices: with salt.
I love Pappy because he is super funny.
That is the story of my Grandpa Pappy. THANK YOU AND THE END